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Ravenhall Class - Specialist Resource Provision

Ravenhall Class is our specialist resource provision which opened in September of 2024. We have had considerable building work over the summer to renovate an under-used classroom into a new space which will meet the needs of up to eight children with specific communication and interaction difficulties. This room now has a sensory room, library, classroom and its own self-contained outdoor area.

During the day, children will cover aspects of the curriculum and also have time for individual programmes of support reflecting their Education, Health and Care plans.

Ravenhall is set up to support children with an education and health care plan (EHCP) who have communication and interaction as their primary area of need and who are in years 3 – 6 of their primary school journey. It is staffed by a qualified teacher and two teaching assistants.

Children who access this provision are also placed in a class in their own year group and will spend time with their peers. The ratio of time is decided on an individual basis taking into account each child’s needs and abilities. Children also join in with whole school events with support from the staff in Ravenhall.


Admission Criteria

In order to be considered for a place at Ravenhall, children must have an EHCP, with communication and interaction needs identified as their primary area of need.

It is expected that most pupils will be able to access the mainstream curriculum, with differentiation and support where necessary. Parents and children are welcome to visit the provision before applying and applications are then made through SENDAR with each application being considered at a higher needs panel. Contact the school office to arrange a visit. We will also consider the range of ages and the profile of children within the existing cohort when applications are made. We are happy to make individual transition plans for children to help them make the best possible start to their time with us.